Introducing Bitfari

Crypto is more than a new kind of money, it’s more than a new kind of Internet. It’s a new kind of computing paradigm.

The application of blockchain technology, Nakamoto incentives + all the Web 3.0 platforms that are flooding the market will provide a new cadre of information technologies like the world has never seen before. We are seen new cloud computing paradigms, amazing financial systems, hundreds of new and exciting web apps every year.. and this is only the beginning.

With Bitfari, I’m leading the change that we want to see in social networks. A platform that is so flexible and powerful that it actually integrates the real and virtual worlds into a cohesive UX. Bitfari creates ambient social networks around your location and allows you to interact with your vicinity without revealing your identity.

You can use it to shop for less, avoid allergic items on the menu, get instant tips from nearby people, take part in local activities and take photos using the cameras of everyone around you! Bitfari changes the stadium experience enriches the office and brings interactivity to dormant ad spaces scattered across the city.

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