Forget About Reading the News. Focus on Making News.

People largely talk about similar issues: news, celebrities, new policies, etc. But you are different, you want to make a dent, to craft a legacy, to have an impact by improving a critical sector of our daily lives. I get it.

Making big social contribution starts by getting ahead of the mainstream train of thought and actually working on making news instead of constantly following or reporting on news. Being an innovator is all about making news. Creating a new product or service that will improve society in a meaningful way. But, how do you do that exactly? Here’s the process I use:

1. Start by putting down the newspaper and taking a blank sheet of paper.

2. Take a blank sheet of paper and write the news that you wish to see printed.

3. Edit, edit and edit, until your copy looks just like a column of one of your favorite publications. The full copy should be between five and ten paragraphs.

4. Then take a second sheet of paper and write a summary. A first draft of both pages should take you probably less than an hour or so to write.

5. Finally, label the first page “Statement of Purpose” and the second “Our Mission”.


– The key to vision discovery is really picturing how your product or service will change society for the better and conveying that in layman terms.

– As your project moves forward, keep editing these pages and use them as a starting point for every major piece of communication you broadcast.